Categoría: News

  • Iberian Warriors Fest 2019

    Empiezan las confirmaciones…

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  • «Blood Fire Death» / «Chroma Nation»

    ¡Hola amigos! A partir de ahora unimos fuerzas con Blood Fire Death como nuestra agencia de prensa y con Chroma Nation como nuestro nuevo booking. ¡Trabajando duro para el Doom Metal! Foto: Tuco Martin Hello friends! From now on we join forces with Blood Fire Death as our press agency and with Chroma Nation as our new booking agency. Working hard for Doom Metal! 😎…

    Read More: «Blood Fire Death» / «Chroma Nation»
  • Finishing the new songs

    A code from outer space? Quantum physics? No. This is our rehearsal room board. We think that not even mr Hopkins would be able to decode this mess. The good news are that sometimes we understand this messages. But just sometimes 😅. Finishing the new songs!!

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  • Winter Solstice concert

    Good morning friends, Today we want to remember this song wishing to all of you a happy winter solstice. All the best!

    Read More: Winter Solstice concert
  • «Reasons dies last» video

    Dear friends, The guys of Dr Filmgood and Tuco Martin Shoot&Roll have made us the best X-Mas gift we could imagine, the first video of our first acoustic concert we did on April 2016 at the beautiful Teatre «Mar i Terra».! It’s arriving a little bit late, we know, but definitely it’s been worth it.…

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    We are glad to announce our impending tour supporting Saturnus over Europe!We will play during the first part of ‘Before the Storm Tour’, also along with Poema Arcanus, When Nothing Remains Official and Esoteric.Produced by THE FLAMING ARTS AGENCYSee you there!

  • Gothoom Open Air Fest 2022

    Hi there friends! We will be playing at Gothoom open air fest (Slovakia) this upcoming July 2022! (Covid permitting) 🤞 Get your tickets at More info: Bands confirmed: Suffocation/ Draconian/ Mgła / ORIGIN / GAEREA / The Ruins Of Beverast/ Inferno / In Twilight’s Embrace / Passengers in Panic / Fleshcrawl / Evoken (Official) / Helevorn / Aeonian…


    Agosto empieza con noticias tristes para la banda. Samuel Morales (guitarrista y miembro cofundador) y Enrique Sierra (teclista desde 2002) ya no forman parte de Helevorn. Ha sido una decisión muy meditada y muy difícil, pero consideramos que después de veinte años la banda había acabado un ciclo y necesitaba un cambio de rumbo que…



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