‘Shadowing of the North’ Canadian Tour 2019


 Helevorn/Majestic Downfall

Today the ‘Shadowing of the North’ Canadian Tour has come to an end.
We have done twelve concerts in fourteen days, more than 5000 km on the road, tons of Doom Metal, meeting awesome people on our way and in our concerts, playing along with really great bands, but more than anything: sharing these two weeks with our ‘pendejos’ brothers of Majestic Downfall. You guys will always be in the deepest of our hearts 🖤

Many thanks to our sound engineer, David Pulido Satan Sound for his amazing job; this tour wouldn’t have been possible without your efforts, you kick ass, man!👏

Thanks to Jacobo Cordova for your comradeship and for being part of Helevorn during this tour. ¡Eres grande we!

A big hug for our Mexican brother, Abelardo Mayoral-Fierros of The Invisible Orange for making this tour possible. A warm hug to his lovely wife Anabel for her hospitality. 🌮😋
Also, thanks to Pepe Bauzà for coming over and taking care of us during the whole trip.

A big thanks to all the promoters and bands that played with us and shared their equipment, time and passion. Liminal ShroudGnosisCycolithSAND WITCHNehushtenNeck of the WoodsApollyonAltars of Grief, @Arctic Circle, DukkhaFor MotherMy FrostIschemicNorilskWhispers In The Maze and Within Embers.
Keep it up, guys and girls!

And last but not least we want to say thank you so much to all the friends and fans who came out and supported us during this tour. You really rock! 🤘🏼

We will never forget this incredible country, and hopefully we will come back again! Meanwhile, take care and keep on supporting Metal.
Thanks/Mérci Canada! 🇨🇦


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